Friday, April 3, 2015


There isn't a Friday in recent times I can remember when I did not want to go to work more than I do not want to right now. (That sentence hurt me too.) 
Not only do I not feel like working, but there is somewhere I would much, much rather be. 

As a result, all the sniffling, weird-faced, bible-reading asshats on the train today are extra obnoxious. 

Hey lady, in the red jacket, yeah you. You suck at Candy Crush.

And you old man with the backpack. Anyone tell you 80 is too old for college*!

And you, construction worker guy. How dare you drink coffee so close to me. You are a poster child for cliché mornings!

It is my fault I am going in today, so I am the big dummyhead. 

*Kidding its never too late