Behind me is a Mexican lady on a cell phone loudly talking to someone. I wonder if she knows the phone will send conversation level sound. I believe whomever it is can hear her with or without the phone. She is either upset, excited or in pain.
Behind her is an older guy in a biker jacket with the worst, gurgly case of the sniffles I've heard in a while. We are talking snot buckets here. Worse than that sound is the loud-click swallow he makes afterwards heard eight feet away.
I almost hurled myself.
Across from him is a young couple heavily making out very inefficiently with tons of mouth schlorping sounds. The guy is treating her face like a dog attacks a jar of peanut butter.
And finally, the three year old pointing out every car that we pass by.
"Look gamma, a nudda car!" repeated for the 253rd time.
Home, Jeeves!!!!